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Science Communication

Deep Reef Refugia

Mesophotic corals: looking to the deep for a shallow reef safety net

Hurricane Irma

Researchers scramble to assess short- and long-term impacts of Hurricane Irma on Florida corals

Coral Reef Resilience

Resistance, recovery, and the root of the resilience problem




Summer Pathways Lab Session July 16th, 2018
The Davies Lab hosted ~22 high school students for an afternoon consisting of lab facility tours and research presentations as part of the Summer Pathways Program. We created permanent stations around the lab that provide structure to the tours we routinely give and showcase our research process, complete with placards (a few of which can be found here): 

Buoyant Weights

Field work: Panama
Field work: Moorea



Community Engagement​ 


Battle Grove serves as a model for living-learning lab

University Gazette

UNC-Chapel Hill journalism students' documentary on state parks airs on UNC-TV
The University of North Carolina System Communications
Environmental Jewels
The Times News

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